Jon Voight, Alveda King making pro-life Roe v Wade film

The Left are going to lose their minds over this one: a film project is in the works to tell the story of Roe v. Wade, depicting the landmark abortion case from a pro-life perspective.

(Article by Alex Parker republished from

The endeavor is being funded in part via Indiegogo, the webpage of which states that the full-length feature Roe v Wade: The Untold Story will tell the tale of “most corrupt court case in history.”

Could it get any worse for the Left?

Yes — it could, and it does: Academy Award-winning actor and outspoken Trump supporter Jon Voight is signed on. As if that weren’t bad enough, executive producer for the project is Alveda King. That would be “King,” as in bulletproof Democratic icon “Martin Luther.” Alveda is MLK’s niece.

The pro-abortion Left won’t appreciate the film’s premise. According to LifeNews:

This is the untold story of how [abortion activists] lied and manipulated Jane Roe, the media, and the courts into the decision to allow abortion in 1973.


The film also will address the racism intertwined in the abortion industry through Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and others, and [Dr. Mildred] Jefferson’s fight for unborn babies as well as people of color.

Jefferson was the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School.

As explained by King in the project’s promotional video:

“This big-screen movie is the real untold story of how mountains of lies led to an injustice that has deprived millions of people of human dignity and human rights.”

Voight will play a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and Ms. King will have a cameo role.

View the video in its entirety below.

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