News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right in, spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear
Jews in Germany before WWII did not think that when their guns were first required to be “registered” that soon those guns would be taken from them. Those same innocent Jewish people, who were German citizens, had no idea that after their guns were confiscated, they would be ordered to “move” to Ghettos reserved for them, […]
By S.D. Wells
Most U.S. youth will survive MASS EXTINCTION EVENT planned by Bill Gates, Marxist Democrats and the CDC
Mass vaccine centers in the USA are closing as most youth are declining being injected with the highly experimental and proven deadly mRNA jabs, simply not seeing them as needed for a virus no more dangerous than the seasonal flu, with variations and mutations popping up around the world anyway. As more virulent versions and […]
By S.D. Wells
Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase for mRNA vaccine “technology”
We’ve seen HPV vaccines cause spontaneous abortions, still births and miscarriages. Somehow, mothers still let their girls as young as nine get the deadly, maiming HPV jab. We’ve watched the vaccine industry insert human abortion cells into vaccines to conjure up severe immune reactions that are extremely dangerous, including to the reproductive system of women. Those […]
By S.D. Wells
BOMBSHELL: Bill Gates prepped his worshipers for plandemic of bio-terrorism originating as a “virus crossover” from monkeys and bats
Does this narrative sound familiar? Sounds like the mass media narrative, which was a complete hoax, perpetrated on the world at the beginning of the Covid-19 spread, talking about some Chinese food market where everyone was eating bats as if they were chicken wings. Why reveal the lie before it even reaches the public eye? […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine passports to become MANDATORY in USA as prelude to mass extermination event
So far, upwards of 60 million Americans have already taken the leap and been vaccinated with the Covid-19 series of dirty, synthetic DNA jabs that contain experimental and deadly mRNA. The US government is working overtime to vaccinate a high percentage of the population to add to the health chaos that’s coming with the financial/economic […]
By S.D. Wells
EXPOSED for BETRAYAL: Institutions and corporations that have betrayed humanity in 2020
All the “truthers” know that the fraudulent election was an “inside job,” meaning it was well-planned, pre-meditated, and carried out by domestic terrorists, meaning our own citizens, politicians and the mass media. The list of traitors revealed in this article (Democrats and Globalists) and their heavily-funded organizations (terror cells) are no conspiracy theory cooked up […]
By S.D. Wells
BLACK BABIES MATTER … unless you’re a Democrat politician
Virginia Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam has a very interesting opinion about killing Black babies, as he admits on video, that he believes in letting Black babies suffocate to death on their day of birth, if, as he puts it, the “mother and the family desired.” This is the racist freak who’s featured in medical school […]
By S.D. Wells
COVID-FLU-SHOT COMBO? Will the next flu shot contain genetically modified, lab-concocted strains of Covid-19?
The problem with the MMR, the measles-mumps-rubella combination vaccine, is that the attack of the measles itself, according to virologists, requires your immune system’s full attention, so the other virus strains overwhelm the body, and the hyper-response or “adverse event” can be tragic. Combination vaccines, like the MMR, are highly experimental, unpredictable, and far from […]
By S.D. Wells
If Black lives matter, then Democrat Governors probably shouldn’t be letting thousands of blacks gather shoulder to shoulder for protests and rioting
How are you enjoying the live exercise? Yes, Covid-19 and the riots are all planned out so well, but the lock down doesn’t really make much sense anymore, that’s if you have enough brain cells left to make “sense” of anything at all. Yes, the 2020 Plandemic set up the lock down, and the lock […]
By S.D. Wells
Have you been tested for the novel-Bill-Gates-19 virus? Do you have Fauci-Syndrome? Get ready for the depopulation vaccine that will exterminate the masses (opinion)
Why bother sending children to school anymore when the globalists’ plan is to exterminate us all with a depopulation vaccine? That’s why Fauci and the Democrats don’t want any schools to reopen in the fall, because it’s pointless. Plus, the dumber the population, the easier it is to get everyone to vote for perpetual lockdown, […]
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