assisted suicide
By Vicki Batts
American Medical Association sliding toward support of physician-assisted suicide… here come the death panels
Will the American Medical Association soon be in favor of physician-assisted suicide? In early June, the AMA decided not to reaffirm its position against assisted suicide – a decision which has shocked many. But indeed, the AMA has gone against its own Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, which recommended the AMA maintain its opposition of euthanasia for humans. […]
By Isabelle Z.
Massachusetts considers legalizing assisted death, so the same doctors who now kill you accidentally can start killing you on purpose
Should a doctor be allowed to give an adult who is terminally ill and has fewer than six months to live a medication that will allow them to die peacefully in their sleep if they request it? After opposing assisted death officially since 1996, the Massachusetts Medical Society has now become neutral on the issue, […]
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